- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Roll Call
- 4. Changes to the Agenda
- 5. Minutes for Approval
- 6. Open Forum
- 7. Communications and Information
7.1 Presentation and acceptance of the Annual Audit
- 8. Consent Agenda
- 9. Appeals
- 10. Committee Reports
- 11. Unfinished Business
- 12. New Business
12.1 Approve the listing of Engine 21 for sale at auction
- 12.2 Accept the resignation of Firefighter Voigt
- 12.3 Approve the hiring of Probationary Firefighters
- 12.4 Approve promotion of Probationary Firefighters
- 12.5 Approve the promotion of Kyle McDermott to the position of Captain
- 12.6 Approve the hiring of Andy Winkel to the position of FT Assistant Chief
- 12.7 Approve the conversion of the Training Captain position to a 2nd Assistant Chief Position.
- 13. Next Fire Board Meeting
- 14. Adjournment
- 1. Annual Meeting Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Election of Fire Board officers for 2023
- 4. Presentation of the Anoka-Champlin Fire Department 2022 Annual Report
- 5. Other Business
- 6. Annual Meeting Adjournment