- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Oath of Office - Reappointed Commissioner Nemeth
- 4. Approval of Minutes - February 13, 2018 Work Session and Regular Meeting
- 5. Public Hearing - Variance - 195 Constance Blvd NW - Jason Schraut
- 6. Public Hearing - Planned Unit Development Amendment - Clocktower Commons - 15216 Bluebird St NW
- 7. Public Hearing - Sketch Plan/Planned Unit Development - Estates at Cedar Ridge - 16474 Hanson Blvd NW
- 8. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat - Winslow Cove - Outlot A, Winslow Woods 2nd Addition
- 9. Public Hearing - City Code Amendments - Title 12 Zoning Regulations
- 10. Other Business
- 11. Adjournment