- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Resident Forum
- 3. Approval of Minutes (4/7/16)
- 4. Consider 2016 Application for Scheduled use of Recreational Facilities (City Hall Complex-Purple Park)/Andover Fire Department
- 5. Consider Eggen Properties Sketch Plan (16473 Crosstown Blvd NW) Park Dedication Requirements
- 6. Consider Request from Neighborhood/Hickory Meadows Park
- 7. Recommend 2017-2021 Trail Capital Improvement Plan
- 8. Reconsider Rose Park Shelter Repairs/14-13, Cont.
- 9. Consider Paving Park Parking Lot/Country Oaks North 2nd Additoin
- 10. Anoka County Sheriff's Department 1st Quarterly Report
- 11. Outstanding Items
- 12.
- 13. Chair's Report
- 14. Adjournment