- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Proclamation - Arbor Month
- 4. Resident Forum
- 5. Agenda Approval 1. Approval of Minutes (4/14/16 Special; 4/18/16 Board of Review; 4/19/16 Regular)
- 6. Consent Items 2. Approve Payment of Claims - Finance 3. Approve Plans & Specs/Order Advertisement for Bids/16-13/Crosstown Blvd. NW Trail Improvements/ - Engineering 4. Approve Hold Harmless & Easement Encroachment Agreement/1432 - 141st Lane NW - Engineering 5. Accept Drainage and Utility Easement - Country Oaks North - SW Land, LLC - Planning 6. Accept Drainage and Utility Easement - 15847 and 15873 Linnet Street NW - Planning 7. Accept Rail Easement and Vehicle Maintenance Access Easement - Hickory Meadows 2nd Addition - Mark Smith - Planning 8. Approve Amended Diseased Tree Ordinance and Ordinance Summary, Diseased Tree Removal/Sanitation Enforcement Policy & Emereald Ash Borer Management Plan/Program - Engineering 9. Accept Retirement Streets Maintenance Worker - Administration 10. Approve 2017-2019 Urban County Requalification for Participation in CDBG & Home Programs - Administration 11. Declare Surplus Equipment - Finance 12. Authroize RFP - Agent/Broker of Record City's Employee Benefits Program - Administration
- 7. Discussion Items
- 13. Public Hearing - Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement - 1189 162nd Ave NW - Anthony Peterson - Planning
- 14. Public Hearing - Vacation of Vehicle Maintenance Access Easement - Country Oaks North - SW Land, LLC - Planning
- 15. Consider Classifying Dangerous Dog/ 2045-142nd Lane - Administration
- 8. Staff Item's 16. Administrator's Report - Administration
- 9. Mayor/Council Input
- 10. Adjournment