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- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Resident Forum
- 4. Agenda Approval
1. Approval of Minutes (2/19/19 Regular; 2/6/19 Workshop)
- 5. Consent Items
2. Approve Payment of Claims - Finance
3. Approve Plans & Specs/Order Ad for Bids/18-38/University Avenue NW Reconstruction - Engineering
4. Approve Plans & Specs/Order Ad for Bids/19-2/2019 Street Reconstruction - Engineering
5. Approve Offer/Authorize Purchase Agreement/Winslow Cove 2nd Addition Lot 5 Block 3 - Administration
- 6. Discussion Items
6. Consider Interim Use Permit/Portable Classrooms - Grace Lutheran Church - Planning
7. Consider City Code Amendment - Swimming Pool Access Barriers - Building
- 7. Staff Items
8. Administrator's Report - Administration
- 8. Mayor/Council Input
- 9. Adjournment