- Call to Order – 7:00 p.m.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Resident Forum
- Agenda Approval
- 1. Approval of Minutes (1/12/21 Special; 1/13/21 Special; 1/19/21 Regular)
- Consent Items
- Discussion Items
9. Consider Repealing City Code 9-8: Rental Housing Dwellings and City Code 9-9: Housing Maintenance Code and Consider Approving Property Maintenance Code Amendments - Staff Items
10. Emergency Response (COVID-19) Update & Consider Resolution Rescinding Res. No. R035-20 Declaration of Emergency for the City of Andover - (COVID-19) - 11. Administrator’s Report
- Mayor/Council Input
- Closed Session per Min. Stat.13D.05 – Discuss Employee Conduct/Performance
- Adjounment